Honoring Herstory and Empowering Change | March Charity | Equality Now - Silver And Sage

Equality Now

March Onward: Honoring Herstory and Empowering Change at Silver & Sage

March heralds the arrival of Women's History Month, a vibrant tapestry woven with the threads of countless extraordinary women who dared to dream and defy limitations. While their names may not always illuminate history books, their legacies echo through the advancements and freedoms we hold dear today. Here at Silver & Sage, we join the chorus of celebration, highlighting inspiring stories and pledging action to continue their fight for equality.

Jane Adams

Jane Addams- A Beacon of Social Justice:
Picture Chicago in the late 19th century,
a crucible of poverty and inequality. In this tumultuous landscape, Jane Addams, a pioneering social worker, saw not despair, but an opportunity. She founded Hull House, a settlement house that offered education, childcare, and healthcare to immigrant communities. Her work transcended mere aid, sparking societal reforms in sanitation, labor laws, and child welfare.
Jane Addams fought for women's suffrage,
co-founding the National Federation of Settlements, and later receiving the Nobel Peace Prize for her tireless efforts. Today, countless social service organizations draw inspiration from her legacy, reminding us that individual action can ignite collective change.

"The good we secure for ourselves is precarious.
and uncertain until it is secured for all of us
and incorporated into
 our common life." 
Jane Addams

Mary Edwards Walker

Mary Edwards Walker- Healing Beyond Boundaries:

During the American Civil War,
a figure in unconventional attire graced the battlefields – Dr. Mary Edwards Walker. Defying societal norms, she donned trousers for practicality and became the only woman to receive the Medal of Honor, the highest military award.
But her impact extended far beyond medical aid.
Dr. Walker advocated for women's rights, wearing bloomers as a symbol of female emancipation. She challenged gender stereotypes, reminding us that courage and competence don't conform to conventional expectations.

"The only way to truly understand the world is to
challenge the norms and question everything."
Mary Edwards Walker

Wangari Maathai
 Wangari Maathai- Planting Seeds of Hope:
Imagine barren landscapes transformed into lush forests, communities empowered, and environmental awareness blossoming. This was the vision of Wangari Maathai, the Kenyan environmentalist and political activist. She founded the Green Belt Movement, mobilizing women to plant trees, combat deforestation, and address climate change. Her work transcended environmentalism, tackling poverty, promoting peace, and empowering women through economic self-sufficiency. Wangari Maathai's story reminds us that small actions, multiplied by many, can create a ripple effect of positive change.

“Human rights are not things that are put on the table for people to enjoy.
These are things you fight for and then you protect.”
― Wangari Maathai

These are but a few glimpses into the vast constellation of women who have shaped our world.
Their stories ignite a fire within us, urging us to continue their fight for a future where equality and opportunity know no bounds.

Beyond Words, Taking Action: At Silver & Sage, we believe in honoring words with action. This March, we are proud to announce that 5% of all our profits will be donated to Equality Now, a leading organization promoting and protecting the human rights of women and girls. By supporting their work, we join forces with countless others committed to dismantling barriers and creating a more just and equitable world.

Let this Women's History Month be more than just a calendar marker. Let it be a catalyst for reflection, inspiration, and action. Join us in celebrating the herstories that pave our path, supporting organizations like Equality Now, and actively working towards a future where every woman can stand tall, empowered to write her own story.

Learn More about Equality Now by Clicking Here.

#WomensHistoryMonth #EqualityNow #SilverAndSage

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